ferroDECONT Ltd. is a spin-off company of the Montan University Leoben and was founded 2013 in the Center for Applied Technology. The company is based on the six years of research and development obtained by the company founders at the institute for sustainable waste management and technology.
The aim was to implement their visions quickly and purposefully. A solution was needed that would enable the designer to plan according to his innovative line of thinking - and not one in which the optimal implementation of his idea had to be painstak-ingly determined step by step.
With Smap3D Plant Design, media breaks are avoided and the design process is accelerated significantly.
"Smap3D Plant Design is an essential component, a kind of engine for our conception, so that we can quickly implement ideas. Due to the process reliability, the error potential can be largely reduced or even eliminated. Smap3D Plant Design's process reliability reduces development time by more than 50 percent."
Peter Müller, Geschäftsführer
Case study
Fast and environmentally-friendly securing of groundwater contamination (pdf)
Image source: ferroDECONT GmbH